Sunday, January 8, 2017


 Ahoy, me lads and lassies! Terri DelCampo and I are both totally enmeshed in NaNoWriMo. Terri is writing a non-horror children's book. Go to and see examples of her tales for the younger set. You will enjoy them for sure.

Me? I'm writing a very dark novel. This is dark even for me. Horror, horror, and more horror. Hmm. Gotta love that. Somehow, in-between all the other novels and short-story collections I have coming out next year, I would like to publish this in 2016. We'll see what happens.

For those of you who are reluctant to take the plunge with NaNo, there really is no reason to at least try. Terri wasn't sure if she wanted to or not, but I put the bug in her ear and she's doing great. Day two and she has almost 8,000 words written. She's ahead of my sorry butt. I only have around 5,000 words.

We still hope to hear from all of you who are tackling this super challenge. Happy writing.

Blaze McRob

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