Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Blaze McRob is up for some awards at Critters Preditors & Editors Readers Poll. If you have the time and care to vote for him, these are the awards he's been nominated for. I included the voting links. Any votes will be much appreciated. If you go, take a look at all the other fantastic people who have been nominated, as well.

Thank you!

Blaze McRob  


Thriller Novel published in 2020

Horror Short Story published in 2020

Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Story published in 2020

Magical Realism Short Story published in 2020

Short Story ( All other genres ) published in 2020

Nonfiction article published in 2020

Author published in 2020



Wisdom Of A Child is one of my more reflective stories. Some of the best discussions we have are with those we least expect to be talking with. Read my teaser below and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Three A.M. I sit outside on my lawn, cup of coffee in hand, looking across the road, watching the deer feeding on the expansive grassy area in front of the Township school. The bright moon allows me to see their every move. They are such docile creatures, seemingly content, but still ever vigilant. After all, this is the world of mankind, a world not always compatible with the other inhabitants residing on the planet.

It’s calm outside: no traffic to speak of and seemingly everyone else around is asleep. This is my time to be alone with my thoughts, no one near to intrude into my private early morning domain, a place where everything is calm, relaxed, and stress is merely a word of what was and will be, having nothing to do with the present.

Mists rise up from the lush greenery, a hint of the humidity to come. It is pleasant out here for the moment, but the oppressive heat will be here soon enough. Time to enjoy what I have now.

“I love watching the fog roll in like that, don’t you?”

I glance in the direction of the voice and see a young child, probably around five or six years old, looking at me. He’s sitting in a miniature lawn chair, no more than two feet from me. I should be frightened, or at least startled by his sudden appearance, but there’s a kind of calmness around him that puts me at ease. My only wonderment resides in the fact I never heard him come over to me.


The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. 

Copyright 2020 by Blaze McRob. All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author directly. Thank you for your support of the author's rights.


Wisdom Of A Child, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. You'll find a welcome home there.

Blaze McRob


Gilas Supreme, by Blaze McRob, is a tale of Mother Nature unleashing monsters on New Mexico and Texas. How far does she go with her revenge? Read the teaser I have below. and hopefully it will draw you into wondering what lies inside my twisted mind. After all, something like this couldn't really happen. Or could it?


The hot desert air barely moves, magnifying the intensity of what mother nature has decided will be the hottest summer on record. How many days of 110-degree heat in a row now? Thirty-four and counting. There has been no rain for many months, and this extreme temperature is set to cause fires over many thousands of acres if even only a single spark is ignited.

Shit! The brush has the consistency of tumble weeds, ones which haven’t seen a drop of water in a year. Flames would spread so fast here a person wouldn’t be able to drive away fast enough to escape them.

I shake my head. What the fuck am I doing here? My life is on the line, and for what? A job? My damned job might be history by the end of the year anyway. Budget cuts are playing nasty with people in my profession. Biologists are finding it difficult to gain any kind of job security anymore. Congress figures we’re an automatic budget cut item. They don’t give a damn what happens to the endangered species out here. Oil is what drives them. “Drill, baby, drill” is what is on the minds of these fat-cat politicians.

No sense in worrying about that now. I still have a job, and I’m getting paid to do it, so I will. Many native species have vanished from this area almost overnight. Owls, rabbits, deer, and more are almost gone. Even the damned snakes have dwindled in numbers. And the evening skies are so quiet one would think there is nothing out here at all other than an aging biologist trying to piece together the parts of the huge puzzle.


The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Copyright 2020 by Blaze McRob. All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author directly. Thank you for your support of the author's rights.


Gilas Supreme, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. You'll find a welcome home there.

Blaze McRob

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Terri DelCampo is up for quite a few awards at Critters Preditors & Editors Readers Poll. If you have the time and care to vote for her, these are the awards she's been nominated for. I included the voting links. Any votes will be much appreciated. If you go, take a look at all the other fantastic people who have been nominated, as well.

Thank you!

Blaze McRob  


Poem published in 2020

Artwork published in 2020

Book / e-book Cover Artwork published in 2020

Books Publisher

Poet published in 2020

Book editor

Artist publishing in 2020

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Old Van Tassel is a tale taking place on Halloween. Yes, I know that December is a month usually reserved for other holidays, but for me, Halloween is pretty much an all year holiday. Besides, who can resist a good ghost story? I'm always ready. Here's a little teaser for one I wrote:


Halloween night in the valley. For this time of year, it is exceptionally mild. Usually, the ground is pretty firm and there might even have been a snowfall or two in addition to some hard frosts. This year has yet to see a frost, and an eerie, pea-soup fog about four feet high covers the entire valley floor.

Yet, the trees are almost stripped of all their leaves, the branches looking like long, skinny arms raised in supplication to some unseen force, the finger-like tips appearing as though they are deformed hands reaching out for something, but what?

This part of Northern New Jersey is in the middle of old Dutch country, and a lot of the old legends still persist, even after centuries of change. Tales of the spirit of old man Van Tassel always surface on nights like this when the landscape is transformed to that of a different place, a different time.


I hope this teaser for my short story makes you want to read the tale in its entirety. 


Old Van Tassel, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. You'll find a welcome home there.

Blaze McRob

Saturday, December 19, 2020


Terri DelCampo is keeping rather busy. I usually tell the world about her goings-on on our Blazing Owl Press website, but she keeps busy elsewhere as well. Her Broken Old Broad blog tells of her children's stories, social commentary, horror stories, personal memoir essays, poetry, and Owl's Eye View Magazine. She includes links for everything, so you can access all the latest and greatest news reports on this hustling lady. 

Drop by and say howdy!

Blaze McRob

Friday, December 18, 2020



This has been a horrible year in the United States. The cold-blooded killing of George Floyd shows us that racism needs to stop. It needs to stop now. This country was founded on the backs of slavery; this was wrong. We can’t go back in time and change that, but we must do something about the prejudice that still resides in too many hearts and souls. If nothing works, we need to see that they don't take the law into their own hands and strike out against the people they hate. I’m a pessimist at heart and I believe it is an impossible task to change the beliefs of those holding extreme prejudice against Black People. However, I don’t believe that the children of these people will necessarily hold the views of their parents. It doesn't have to be. My parents were racists, drunks, and more. I’m none of those. It’s up to every person, no matter their age, to get the facts from the many valid sources surrounding them. It is my responsibility as a writer to write about this, and so I will. I'm a horror author. Racism is real-life horror. My novels and short stories will show it for what it is. 

Too often we try to distort what we did to the Native Americans. We who are not Native Americans came here and stole their land. That was wrong. We resorted to genocide to get rid of them. Every tribe in this country has had evil foisted upon them.  We need to make things right. It won’t be easy, but we need to do it. What about the horrid pipelines going through their land? Eminent domain be damned. We took their land away, gave them, in many instances, land which isn't suited for a lot as it is, and then we expect them to live in fear of having the pipelines fracture, exposing them to pollution, and any number of health hazards. All so the white man can get rich at their expense. Again. 

We also need to remember that a huge chunk of American land was owned by Mexico. Some land was supposedly sold, deeded to us, etc. But we also waged wars over this. Remember the Alamo? Yes. That land did not belong to the United States. Mexico owned it. Latino people deserve respect. They're human beings the same as every other human is. I have many Latino friends. They're hard working people.   

I could go on and on about how we screwed the Chinese out of land and made them virtual slaves to work on the railroads. I will do some stirring of the pot to bring some little known facts to your attention. It is my responsibility as a writer. And now, because of Covid being blamed on China, many United States citizens of Chinese descent are viewed as being part of a conspiracy to spread this contagion. We did the same thing to American citizens of Japanese descent during World War II when we interred them. Did we inter the Germans and Italians? No. Of course not. They are white. Fair? No, I don't think so. 

Politics has become a big joke: from the politicians to us. Both parties hold out their hands to the big interest boys and slap cash in their pockets. Screw the voters. We don’t count. This was an important election year not only for the presidency, but for the House, and Senate. Many local and state offices were up for grabs. Every election for every office is important. My stories will present views that people of both major parties don’t agree with. I don’t care. I will let them be known.

Another case is the Keystone fiasco. Foreign interests and the Koch’s will make the money. And they want to ship out the worst oil on the planet. Think of the environmental impact. You better, because big business and the politicians don’t. And if you own a ranch or farm in the path of all this, eminent domain will allow these destructive bastards to simply take the land they need. Cool, huh? I mentioned this above when I mentioned what this was doing to Native Americans. Many people looked the other way, thinking it wouldn't affect them. Guess what? Greed attacks everyone.  

Big oil doesn’t stop there. Fracking is spreading everywhere. It sucks. It destroys the infrastructure, pollutes the water, causes earthquakes, and more. If you don’t want you and your children to get ill because of this lesson in stupidity, get the facts. Pennsylvania knows all about the downside. This and much more will be coming in my Living Green series.

And for those of you who like to eat, Monsanto is preparing yummy food that I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot stick. Big Business working hand in hand with Big Government again. Both parties. It doesn’t matter. Another delightful thought is the use of insecticides killing bees and more. We need bees, people. They die; you starve. Some of these insecticides have the same chemical base as what was in Agent Orange. That’s right, the same stuff that gave Vietnam Veterans cancer galore.

Another thing I don't agree with is that we need to back the police. We need to back the good police officers. Not the bad. Look around you. We live in a police state. If you're Black, Native American, Asian, Latino, or any other minority group, you most likely have some fear if the police pull your car over, or if it happens on a street as you're simply walking. That fear is well justified. The law needs to apply to everyone. Including the cops. Especially them. They're in a job to maintain law and order. If the job is too much for them to handle, they can always leave. 

The talk about mental health comes up a lot when we talk about criminals and why they do what they do. Some felons go to mental hospitals instead of prisons. Sometimes they're released. The doctors say they're cured. A great many of them return to doing the same things they were put in the hospitals for. What does this tell me? Maybe, just maybe, the mental health folks don't have all the answers. What do I know about this? I've had family members and people I know who have attempted suicide or even succeeded at it. Almost all these people were seen by psychologists and psychiatrists and given a clean bill of health. In the case of one young man who did kill himself, he was told twice that everything was fine. They told family members and school officials the same thing. As far as I'm concerned, they were accomplices to murder. What we need are much higher standards of schooling and training for this medical field. 

I’ll stop here. I could go on and on about all of this, but I will take pen to hand or fingers to keyboard and let my tales of real-life horror flash across your computer screen. No one will be a sacred cow as far as I’m concerned. My readers are smart. They will figure it out.

I am pissed off. It is time to take off the gloves. Right is right and wrong is wrong. My stories are about to get darker. Much darker. I will deal with whatever issues attack my gray matter the way I know best: using my story people to handle the evil running around on this spinning rock of ours from deep within my soul. My system. It works for me. It is my responsibility as a writer.

Blaze McRob

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Some trees never make the cut to become a Christmas tree, but what can they do about it? In the short story Overlooked, by Blaze McRob, a Blue Spruce finds a way to extract revenge. How? Ah, me lads and lasses, one must read to find the answer. 


                                        A teaser from the opening paragraphs:

He stands alone on top of the small knoll overlooking the tiny hamlet. One more Christmas to be spent with his own thoughts, forced to reason why it is never time for him to join in on the festivities. Always on the outside looking in.

Overlooked . . .

Sure, the wind takes a toll on the forming of the Blue Spruce boughs, but it shouldn't matter that much. None of the trees are perfect. They all share the same environment. Some giving way to the natural forces foisted upon them is to be expected. He is well shaped and sturdy, yet he remains alone another season.

Another year or two and he'll grow too large to be considered a candidate for becoming a living tree within the confines of a house with even high ceilings. Yes, that would be the ultimate glorification: become a Christmas tree and then be planted outside to live a life of contentment for many years thereafter.


Happy Holidays, and Happy reading.

Blaze McRob

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Team RoJo & Friends, by Terri DelCampo, is the third book in her children's series of adventure stories written for children of all ages. As Terri says: "This book is for kids who see the magic." And there is indeed much magic to be seen. 


From Terri:

Ro and Jo and their magical family and friends invite you along on their amazing quests! Climb on Sir WHIP's back and let's fly!


While this book is written in novel fashion, each individual chapter is a story of its own, allowing you to read along to your children a chapter or more at a time, drawing them into it with every chapter building on the previous one and leading to the next one. Older children, of course, will be able to read it at their own pace. Fun for everyone!


Terri DelCampo is the founding editor and writer of Owl's Eye View Magazine, founding partner/writer/editor at Blazing Owl Press, author of 35+ novels, short story collections, children's collections, poetry collections, and multiple individual short stories available right here on Amazon. She pens Broken Old Broad Blogs, is a contributing writer for multiple horror anthologies, freelances poetry as well as non-fiction articles and essays. Terri is an ongoing competitor and winner of NaNoWriMo and Critters/Preditors & Editors Awards.

Terri is married to horror writer Blaze McRob and in 2015 they founded Blazing Owl Press where she is a very hands-on partner. Her duties at BOP include editing, producing book covers, and of course writing.

If you look up write-a-holic in the dictionary, Terri's picture is there.


Happy reading, my friends!

Blaze McRob 

Saturday, December 12, 2020


The Ship, by MK Alexander, is my kind of novel! This book is a Steampunk delight. I've been having a difficult time lately finding Steampunk I enjoy reading. No more. MK's writing hits the mark. And, on top of the salty-dog jargon I find in this tale, I am happy to find humor, shenanigans of all kinds, a star-studded list of story people, thrills, drama, and fantastic science fiction. What more could a reader expect?

MK writes new, exciting stories to add to the mysteries that surround all of us. If only we dare to shake off the shackles binding us to mediocrity. Believe me, there is no mediocrity in the writing of MK Alexander. 

Read this great book. A great adventure awaits you.

Blaze McRob  


Book description by the author:

Aye, welcome aboard, mates!

I can say little more without issuing a spoiler alert. Sorry…

I can say it’s about the largest vessel ever built by humankind. Embark on an unforgettable voyage with its peculiar crew. Come under attack as they sail into the dark void and parts unknown. Find yourself trapped below decks, and rely on young Ensign York to reach the Bridge and save everyone on board.

Steampunk of sort, set at the turn of the century, though I’ll not say which century. Save Our Souls, Ship in Distress…


author’s note:

Save a scant few, all the characters aboard ship are named for famous engineers of a bygone era. This is meant as a tribute to their contributions to humankind, and in no way reflects on how the fictional characters are portrayed in this story.


MK Alexander has been writing fiction for 20 years and has recently published five new titles, as well as several short story collections. He has been a reporter and editor for many newspapers, and worked for The New York Times for well over ten years. Winner of the BBC Short Story Award. "No genre is safe from me! One thing that irks me is the accusation that I am too subtle. I like to give my readers some credit: I always assume they are clever, educated, and have a good sense of humor..."


Read MK Alexander's other great books at


Enjoy some great Q&As at


I always purchase books on Amazon when I find some I believe I would enjoy reading. The free sample tells me everything I need to know. Bingo goes the one click digit! Easy peasy. However, I am unable to leave reviews on Amazon because of the way they have changed their system. One must purchase a certain number of books using a credit card. I purchase well beyond the required number of books, but I always use Amazon gift cards which I purchase. I desire a certain amount of privacy and don't wish everyone to have that kind of access. In the past, I was allowed to leave reviews after purchasing books via the gift card route. So, nowadays I write reviews on my blog. I hope the authors whose books I love to read understand.

Blaze McRob

Thursday, December 10, 2020


Wallkill Lagoon, by Blaze McRob, is a short story that tells you the unknown can exist anywhere. Take for example the Wallkill River, a rather unpretentious river in an area traveled by many. Yet there are urban legends surrounding what lives within its depths. Truth? Fiction? Read my story and see for yourself.

Here are the opening paragraphs of my tale:


The humidity is overpowering on this hot August night. All the weather indicators were for a much more temperate evening, but Mother Nature doesn't listen to the prognosticators of highs and lows and which fronts are supposed to move in. She's fickle and does what she damned well wants to.

There is not so much as a wisp of a breeze, and the air carries nary a sound of the usual bullfrog concert present on most evenings like this. But . . . there is a decided uneasiness to the lagoon that goes beyond the silence. This section of the Wallkill River is an anomaly to the upper reaches of the waterway which are usually swift as most trout streams are. Off to the side of the main current resides a back-water slough which drops off into the depths of a pool of water so deep and dark as to render any kind of visibility impossible.


Is your curiosity piqued? Come along for a trek into the unknown. 


Wallkill Lagoon, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. You'll find a welcome home there.

Blaze McRob

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


The Adventures Of Kid Joey, by Terri DelCampo, is a wonderful book for kids of all ages to read and enjoy. The entire book is filled with adventures and shenanigans galore. As Terri says:

"He's your everyday dude with smelly socks, but Kid Joey's adventures really rock! Wizards and krakens, and glow-fish too, through Grandma's crystal ball can be viewed. Beneath his bed is a monster bash. Sir WHIP even helps him with the trash. With magical friends and family, could he even set a trapped damsel free? Come along with Kid Joey and friends! You'll never want the adventures to end!"

Your children will want you to read a story to them everyday, and you'll enjoy doing it. The kids will love the art done by Terri at the beginning of every chapter, as well.

This book is a must read, my friends!

Blaze McRob


Terri DelCampo is the founding editor and writer of Owl's Eye View Magazine, founding partner/writer/editor at Blazing Owl Press, author of 35+ novels, short story collections, children's collections, poetry collections, and multiple individual short stories available right here on Amazon. She pens Broken Old Broad Blogs, is a contributing writer for multiple horror anthologies, freelances poetry as well as non-fiction articles and essays. Terri is an ongoing competitor and winner of NaNoWriMo and Critters/Preditors & Editors Awards.

Terri is married to horror writer Blaze McRob and in 2015 they founded Blazing Owl Press where she is a very hands-on partner. Her duties at BOP include editing, producing book covers, and of course writing.

If you look up write-a-holic in the dictionary, Terri's picture is there.

Sunday, December 6, 2020


'Tis the season for some holiday short stories. Not all of them are filled with thoughts of Peace on earth, good will to men. My short story Retribution has no peace or good will to anyone.

It starts thusly:


Not much escapes my eyes. I am everywhere. Evil? Yes, I know where it lives.

Christmas is not my favorite time of the year. Truth be told, I have always hated it. But this year is different. It is my turn to play, to party, to revel in the festivities.

God gave me a gift this year. My enemy is being benevolent. I am allowed to take those who are destined for the fires of Hell and do with them as I please. There are no limitations to my cruelty towards these transgressors. They are mine.


Tsk, tsk. There is evil afoot in this nasty tale. 


This short story, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. If you like horror, you'll find a welcome home there.

Happy reading!

Blaze McRob

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Last Chance is my latest chapter a day serial novel you can find on my Patreon page. It will be up in its entirety by the end of December. Here is a short snippet from chapter one to show you I waste no time in getting to some action.


Time was running out.

Charlie stared at the clouds building in the west. Once more the forces of nature were about to unleash their fury on the residents of Cheyenne. Since the early days of this infernal devastation of the planet, this city had appeared safe. Six thousand feet high, far removed from the coastal flooding which had obliterated entire cities from the face of the earth, the ravaging tempests of the oceans would not affect life here.

Not so.

Cause and effect. It was happening again.

The skies turned almost black, even though it was early afternoon. Lightning struck the surrounding prairies, leaving beautiful, but garish, displays of the power within the clouds. Thunder boomed, rattling buildings. This was no ordinary thunder: it resonated with a fervor of vengeance, shouting to all who would listen that the skies were king. Humans were frail beings, unable to withstand the onslaught of destruction, and the devastation was seconds away.

Twin tornadoes came in on the city, throwing cars into buildings, any unfortunate souls trapped inside screaming as their vehicles became airborne. Some of the fortunate ones were able to holler out after a violent impact. Others were not so fortunate. Only silence surrounded them.


As is my custom, the entire novel will be loaded with action and adventure. Come along for an end of days tale with a different twist. 

This novel, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. If you like horror, you'll find a welcome home there.

Happy reading!



All twenty-six chapters of  this novel are now posted, and Last Chance is now completed.

Blaze McRob

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Terri DelCampo has some great holiday horror for your ooky palate. Chills has eight stories that will show you a different side of the holiday season. Terri has a charming way about her that will draw you in with mellow prose but will slap you alongside the head too. The one-two punch. Loverly.

So, my friends, once the kids have gone to sleep, slide Chills onto your Kindle, put a spiffy nightcap on, and read away. You'll be glad you did.

Blaze McRob 


Book description: 

Santa F-bombs heard only by some.

From where in the forest should Christmas trees come?

Will Christians to Morningstar be lost?

Who'll win the bet, Vulcan or Frost?

Christmas Eve miracle for a small child.

South Pole festivities horribly wild.

Good kids onto naughty list drift.

Naughty boy tempts hungry gifts.

Classic holiday ditties these stories are not.

But if you want ooky, a sleighful I've got! 

Monday, November 30, 2020


Mists Of Papoose Pond is ready for your reading pleasure. A short, free sample from chapter one can be read below. All thirty-eight chapters are posted.


The mists come closer and closer to the cabin, and even though it sits some fifty yards from the pond's edge, the dancing droplets of condensation seemingly pirouette their way across the beach to where I'm sitting, first ankle high, then reaching mid-way up my chest. The cigarette smoke joins with the swirling fog and they cavort as one, creating a calming feeling massaging my unsettled mind.

Peaceful shapes dance all around me. I smile at ballerinas performing their amazing tiptoe jumps and landings, the mists opening and closing to accentuate their delicate, precise movements. I put my cigarette out, thinking I can go back to sleep, contentment putting me in the mood.

A sudden chill hits me before I can get to my feet, bone-chilling cold, causing my hands to turn blue instantly. The ballerinas' faces vanish, replaced by monstrous, billowing towers of inhuman shapes.

Substance comes from the distortion of the mists! Flesh and bone hover over me, smiling at me. No, not smiling - leering at me!

Brownish-yellow teeth, sharp and pointed, force their way into prominence when the creatures open their mouths, tongues lapping at miniscule lips, telling me where their next meal is coming from. Me! They want me!


This novel is loaded with horror, non-stop action, and monsters. Lots of monsters.

Mists Of Papoose Pond, in its entirety, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. You'll find a welcome home there. Go there hungry for great horror novels and short stories, and sate your desires, my friends.

Happy reading!

Blaze McRob  

Sunday, November 29, 2020


The Tales of Princess Rosie & Joey Owl, by Terri DelCampo, is a delightful book of children's adventure tales that adults can also get sucked into. I know I sure do. Travel along with Princess Rosie and her faithful friend Joey Owl as they step out of the world of ordinary and jump into one filled with excitement!

Blaze McRob


Princess Rosie lives near a wood, where Joey Owl lives in a tree. He rescues her when she gets lost and is loved by her royal family. They explore Rosieland, every nook and find new friends everywhere they look: Early & Shirley, Angela too, Ozzie the grumpy gnome's there too! Gary Gargoyle's there to protect the Princess from monsters he detects. Come fly with Princess Rosie and you might even meet a Quackeroo!


Terri DelCampo is the founding editor and writer of Owl's Eye View Magazine, founding partner/writer/editor at Blazing Owl Press, author of 35+ novels, short story collections, children's collections, poetry collections, and multiple individual short stories available right here on Amazon. She pens Broken Old Broad Blogs, is a contributing writer for multiple horror anthologies, freelances poetry as well as non-fiction articles and essays. Terri is an ongoing competitor and winner of NaNoWriMo and Critters/Predators & Editors Awards.

Terri is married to horror writer Blaze McRob and in 2015 they founded Blazing Owl Press where she is a very hands-on partner. Her duties at BOP include editing, producing book covers, and of course writing.

If you look up write-a-holic in the dictionary, Terri's picture is there.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


Bloody Beaches of Cheyenne, by Blaze McRob, is a Vampire/rodeo clown short story that I believe you'll find most interesting. Here are the opening two paragraphs.


A warm breeze blows across the rodeo grounds, bringing the coppery taste of what I need to sustain myself to my tongue. Just a little longer and it will be dark. That will be my cue to spring into action.

The crowd is entering the stadium. This is PBR night, Professional Bull Riding, and the place is sold out. My little trailer contains everything I need to conceal myself during the day. My coffin is built to blend into the general shabby décor of a rodeo clown and appears to be nothing more than a long storage space on which my mattress and pillow sit. Of course, I have no use for the seeming resting place on top, but if anyone enters while I’m asleep, there is no way they would think to remove the mattress to see what’s under it.


Cheyenne, Wyoming loves their rodeo. However, not all rodeo clowns are created equal, are they?

This short story, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. You'll find a welcome home there.

Blaze McRob


Owl's Eye View Magazine - Issue #3, by Terri DelCampo, is chock-full of great articles for you to read and enjoy. Swooping Through The Years, From The Perch, On The WindSpirit, Screech On!, Macabre Mirth, and a tantalizing horror story Key Control, which shows the evils of over-striving for perfection are all included. I'll bet you've never heard of Owl Familiars. Terri explains them in this issue. I found her treatise on Native American flute lore to be fascinating. For fascinating horror with a different angle from the norm, read this great magazine. You'll be glad you did! 


Owl's Eye View Magazine is a dark fiction monthly featuring columns, poetry, and short stories written by Terri DelCampo and "Columnists" who are in fact her ongoing fictitious characters.


Terri DelCampo is the founding editor and writer of Owl's Eye View Magazine, founding partner/writer/editor at Blazing Owl Press, author of 35+ novels, short story collections, children's collections, poetry collections, and multiple individual short stories available right here on Amazon. She pens Broken Old Broad Blogs, is a contributing writer for multiple horror anthologies, freelances poetry as well as non-fiction articles and essays. Terri is an ongoing competitor and winner of NaNoWriMo and Critters/Predators & Editors Awards.

Terri is married to horror writer Blaze McRob and in 2015 they founded Blazing Owl Press where she is a very hands-on partner. Her duties at BOP include editing, producing book covers, and of course writing.

If you look up write-a-holic in the dictionary, Terri's picture is there.


Blaze McRob


Friday, November 27, 2020


One of the anthologies I have the honor of being published in is Enter At Your Own Risk: Dark Muses, Spoken Silences, from Firbolg Publishing. This was my first piece of Gothic fiction, and I'm rather proud of it. I write a tale based on Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat. My story, The Wife and the Witch, is written from the wife's point of view, a most challenging task for me. Dr. Alex Scully, the editor of this great tome, kept prodding me to dig down deeper, and so I did. I hope that everyone who reads this anthology gets caught up in the great writing of the great Gothic authors of old and new alike. There are many wonderful stories to read within.

Happy reading!

Blaze McRob


Some of the most enduring masterpieces of Gothic fiction are as intriguing for the stories they don’t tell as for those they do. The voices hidden in the wall of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat;” the secrets buried beneath the earth of Sleepy Hollow in Washington Irving’s legendary Headless Horseman tale; the dreams of a monster and an ancient book with a life of its own in H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu;” and stories that reveal Polidori’s hypnotic, archetypal Vampyre as far more than what he first appears to be. In Firbolg Publishing’s third volume in the Enter at Your Own Risk series, ten modern storytellers reimagine the mysterious characters lurking within four classics of Gothic literature. As you read the original stories, a sinister whisper drifts in on a cold chill. But there are other voices beneath the whisper. You can hear them crawling out of the growing darkness. Then the whispers become a scream...

With an introduction from acclaimed author Gary Braunbeck, Dark Muses, Spoken Silences invites you into the hidden shadows of four of the most famous dark fiction tales ever told.

Are you brave enough to enter?

"Highly recommended"

Gene O’Neill

Author of Taste of Tenderloin and The Confessions of St. Zach

“Audacious, innovative, shocking – a kaleidoscope (where all the colors are dark).”

Robert Dunbar

Author of The Pines and Willy

"I am blown away by the beauty, terror and imagination of this brilliant book."

Sandy DeLuca

Author of Manhattan Grimoire and Hell’s Door


Thank you, Sydney Leigh, for your very kind review.

Blaze McRob’s “The Wife and the Witch” is a clever reimagining of “The Black Cat”, told with a steady voice which is reminiscent of Poe without parroting it. His apparent ease with which he takes on the form of a female narrator lends itself to the emotional pull of this tale; he is successful in making us empathize fully with the protagonist’s loss of a loving companion: “He was my bastion of strength.”

Sunday, November 22, 2020


For the Night is Dark, from Crystal Lake Publishing, is an anthology filled with wonderful tales of horror, written by many talented authors. I'm honored to have a story in this tome. I consider it to be one of my best.  

This book is not to be missed, and it's a steal at 99 cents for the eBook!

Blaze McRob


Darkness, our most primitive fear since shadows first stirred.

Within the pages of this horror anthology you will be taken back into the past, down to the depths of the ocean and across the borderline between our world and the next. You will see snapshots from the lives of small children, old-time cockney gangsters and aimless stoners. You will journey into the darkest house on the darkest street, wander hospital basements, and take a flight in the comfort of first class. You will meet Mr Stix.

The Dark is coming! Call your friends. No one should wander through the dark alone. 

This short story collection includes:

Kevin Lucia

Jeremy C. Shipp

Jasper Bark

William Meikle

Ray Cluley

Scott Nicholson

Gary McMahon

G. N. Braun

Carole Johnstone

Armand Rosamilia

Daniel I. Russell

Joe Mynhardt

Tracie McBride

Stephen Bacon

Benedict J. Jones

Blaze McRob

John Claude Smith

Tonia Brown

Mark West

Robert W. Walker

Are you scared of the dark? You should be.

Proudly brought to you by Crystal Lake Publishing – Tales from the Darkest Depths

For the Night is Dark eBook categories:

Horror anthology

Haunted houses and ghosts

Disturbing psychological horror

Urban Suspense

Short stories

Dark Fantasy Horror

Psychological thriller

Paranormal suspense

Unexplained Mysteries


US Horror Fiction

Thriller short stories



Saturday, November 21, 2020


Shonk, by Terri DelCampo, is one of those stories that has you guessing right up until the end. Just when I thought I knew where the tale was taking me, I discovered I was wrong. But that's the way I like a good horror story. If everything is easily determined ahead of time, the excitement is lacking. Being pulled into a story is the way to go. Read this story, and you'll see what I mean.


BLAZING OWL SHORT HORROR BY TERRI DELCAMPO offers up quick ooky fixes that you can squeeze into your day – or night – whenever you have a few minutes to read. Terri's goal is to see how many times she can send a chill up your spine in twenty minutes. Muahaha!


Happy reading!

Blaze McRob

Friday, November 20, 2020


The Long Run To Freedom is a story of horror, war, and survival. True friendship goes beyond shared joys. Sometimes one must dig down deep: deeper than ever before.


Here's the opening paragraph to my short story:

I knew I would get out of this Hell trap. It was when, not if. One night, my chance came. Some kind of a commotion occurred not too far from the camp. I could hear people scurrying around everywhere. As soon as all the hubbub in the camp subsided, I went to the far end of the hut, opposite the door, and ran just as fast as I could, hitting the door so hard that it fell down onto the ground with me on top of it. That was my lucky day because the only guard left in the camp just happened to be on the other side of that door. With me and the door on top of him, it wasn't that difficult to neutralize him.


This story is dedicated to Jimmy. My best friend.

Blaze McRob 

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Flash In The Pan is Terri DelCampo's latest short story. I love how Terri keeps the reader more involved in the story with her styling of warnings throughout the tale, alerting the protagonists about things to do and not to do as the story progresses. She pulls this off well. Naturally, as I read the story, I was on the lookout for more clues to what was inevitable, but which actually wasn't. This brought about a paradox of facts and solutions to every twist and turn. Nothing is cast in stone in this story. This is a most intriguing tale.


BLAZING OWL SHORT HORROR BY TERRI DELCAMPO offers up quick ooky fixes that you can squeeze into your day – or night – whenever you have a few minutes to read. Terri's goal is to see how many times she can send a chill up your spine in twenty minutes. Muahaha!


Happy reading!

Blaze McRob

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Shredded is a rather offbeat ghost story of mine that involves the paranormal, as well as hard-core workouts in a gym. How do the two of them find a home together? Ah, the answer lies in the reading of the story. At one time, I was a personal trainer in many gyms, as well as a competitor in body-building competitions, and know my way around the mind set of what can happen when one goes to extremes.  

This story is one of over a hundred on my Patreon page.

Happy reading!

Cover art by Terri DelCampo.

Blaze McRob 

Monday, November 16, 2020


And He Screamed, by Terri DelCampo, is a short story of horror, ghosts, the occult, and mind possession. One never knows what is coming next or what the outcome will be. Sub-plot after sub-plot throw themselves at you in a most devilish way. If you enjoy paranormal horror, add this story to your reading list.


BLAZING OWL SHORT HORROR BY TERRI DELCAMPO offers up quick ooky fixes that you can squeeze into your day – or night – whenever you have a few minutes to read. Terri's goal is to see how many times she can send a chill up your spine in twenty minutes. Muahaha!


You won't see the ending coming in this story. I sure didn't!

Happy reading.

Blaze McRob

Saturday, November 14, 2020


Screech, by Terri DelCampo, is a novella filled with the ooky and spooky that Terri is known for. If you like evil witches, owl crones, and more, you will enjoy this book. Read it at night while the owls are up to their hooting business. You'll never view owls the same way again.

Blaze McRob

Book description:

Evil witch threatens Doveshadow and Crone.

Musical powers are finally honed,

From a journey through time laced with failure and tears.

What magical balm will soothe Doveshadows' fears?

Come read the adventure and see what takes place

When Reuel and Jamalia come face to face.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


NIGHT OPS, by Terri DelCampo is a total mind-fuck of a story. It is pure psychological horror the whole way. This is definitely one of my favorite stories that she has written. She holds nothing back. Just remember: some people are not to be trifled with. There will be consequences.

Book description;









Read it and find out where Terri's mind roams when the blameless are blamed.

Blaze McRob


Tides Of Chaos, by Lori R. Lopez and Blaze McRob, is a science fiction, horror, alien invasion, fantasy tale. Imagine a doomsday scenario fought by email. Yes, emails. That's what we have here.

Book description:

A man and woman meet online while the world around them is falling apart. Where are the creatures from that have invaded their planet? What do they want? These questions and more must be answered if the human race is to survive this doomsday scenario. Authors Blaze McRob and Lori R. Lopez join forces to present an unusual tale of an apocalypse that has devastated society. Ed and Elvie managed to connect in a world gone mad. They give each other hope and support from a thousand miles apart. Will it be enough to save them? Read their frantic messages as they attempt to make sense of the situation in this novelette-length fiction from two accomplished horror authors. The story was actually written by exchanging E-mails like the characters, without knowing what might come next. Look for an illustrated print edition featuring artwork by Lori R. Lopez. 

Lori and I had a great time writing this tale. I hope you have as much fun reading it.

Blaze McRob

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


FOOD TRUCK FAIR, by Terri DelCampo, is a short story that is true to what happens in far too many instances around the world. In Terri's words:

A short story to tell of unlimited greed.

Developers' purses off townspeople feed.

Of course, Terri adds her usual devilish twist to it. Read this tale and you'll see what I'm talking about. You'll be glad you did!

Blaze McRob


Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Scumpericks, by Terri DelCampo, is a collection of satirical limericks lampooning an orange clown in our nation's capital and is available for purchase on Amazon. If you're into political humor, limericks, humorous verse, and satire, I believe you'll love this collection. I do!

There are chuckles galore awaiting thee within Terri's words. Hasten to the place of satire!

Blaze McRob


Sunday, October 25, 2020



On November 1, 2020, I will start writing another novel for NaNoWriMo, which is a great organization trying to get stories of 50,000 words or more written in the month of November. This will be my eleventh straight year. So far, I have written 1,328,216 words over the years, so I'm not a rookie. However, I have had some interesting years along the way. One year, I started nine days late because I was in the hospital. When I was released, I had to come out flying. It was my lowest word total year, but I still finished. My story was formed in my head, and I merely had to jump on my computer and bring it to life. I'm a pantser and never outline or plan anything ahead. My story people tell me what to write, and I go along with their wishes. Truth be told, I never know the ending ahead of time, so I'm a reader, as well as an author, of everything I write.

This year, my novel will be Paranormal Posse, a fast moving paranormal horror piece, filled with humor and loaded with shenanigans. I can hardly wait to start writing it. My mind already envisions more than one novel with this group of story people. It will be unlike anything I have ever written.  

I hope to see a lot of my fellow author friends involved this year. Let me know if you are.

Happy writing to one and all!

Blaze McRob

Thursday, October 1, 2020


As I promised, Blaze Mcrob's Patreon page is live on October 1st, just in time for that most magic month of the year for horror stories. I have a picture above showing a caption of my one and only tier on Patreon. I priced this at $3.00 per month so that people who love the horror genre can get a lot of bang for their buck. This month will include at least fifteen short stories and a complete novel done in serialized form. 

Every month, I will have a mix of thirty posts, or more, for you to enjoy. Each of those months will include serialized novels and short stories. Everything I post will only be able to be read on Patreon; everything will remain on my page so that my patrons will never have to miss any of my tales of horror. 

For people who are not acquainted with my work, I have started out with three stories available to be read by one and all for free. Every other post will be available to my patrons only. 

I hope you'll visit my Patreon page and like what you see. My posts will be coming fast and furious! Come along for the ride.

Blaze McRob 

Thursday, September 17, 2020


In two weeks, my Patreon account will be up and running. As I stated before, I will have only one tier, one for only $3.00 a month. Things have been rough lately for many people, and I want to make access to my account to be well within the budget of  everyone who enjoys horror tales. I will have both short stories and novels available. The novels will be posted one chapter at a time. Everything I put up on Patreon will be exclusive to my subscribers only - with the exception of two or three introductory pieces which will allow folks who don't know what I write to get a glimpse of my stories. I will not publish my Patreon stories anyplace else. Some people think this is an insane way for me to publish my stories, but these times call for a different approach.

Since I have chosen October 1st, 2020 as my Patreon start time, I will be adding extra value for my subscribers. Before the month is over, I will have at least fifteen short stories and a complete novel posted for your reading pleasure. That's at least a $20.00 value. 

I'm in this for the long haul. My entire body of work, except for stories published by other publishers, usually in anthologies, will be available on Patreon. All  these tales will be left up on my page for subscribers to read whenever they chose. That's a lot of reading, especially when I will be putting up at least thirty posts each month.

October 1st, 2020. Remember the date. I'll have some great horror reads for you!

Blaze McRob    

Monday, September 14, 2020


Zack Kullis says, "Blaze McRob and I collaborated on a very dark and terrifying anthology called Club Blaze. If you enjoy true horror, then this is for you. Consider it a doorway to a horrifying Halloween."

I can't add a whole lot to what he says. He's spot on. Take a peek at what we have waiting for you. I'm sure you'll love Club Blaze.

Blaze McRob

Book description:

Club Blaze is a novel-length anthology full of tales of pure terror and wicked depravity. This collection of horror stories will either have you leaving the light on at night, or it will have you wishing for a chance to share a drink with the sinister owners and patrons of Club Blaze.

Each tale is more extreme and terrifying than the next. Buy Club Blaze, open your mind and allow it to enter this infernal club as you read. Who knows what doors it might open?

Tuesday, September 8, 2020



This is a short post to let everyone who loves horror know that Blaze McRob will be starting up a Patreon account on October 1st, 2020. I wanted to start this in the grandest month of the year for fans of the horror genre. What will I be offering to folks who sign up? I will have short horror stories and chapters of horror novels that cannot be accessed anywhere else. These will be available only to my Patreon subscribers. These tales of horror will average thirty or more a month, and all novels will be completed in their entirety. Some of the novels will include sequels. 

How much am I going to charge for at least fifteen short stories and fifteen novel chapters a month? Well, things have been tough this year for a lot of people, so I will start out with one tier at $3.00 a month. That's a lot of bang for your buck. For those of you who have never read any of my stories, I will start out with a few free samples available for one and all. After that, the remainder of my tales of horror will be for my subscribers only. I will leave all my posts up on Patreon where they can be read at your leisure.

I'll keep you posted with more news the closer I get to giving my fans a Halloween month they will never forget. With my stories, you will be able to enjoy the wonders of the season all year long. 

Happy reading!

Blaze McRob   


 At the end of July, Cheyenne, Wyoming will be hit with big rodeo crowds. If you’re there looking around for things to see and do, you might want to take a look at some of the paranormal places in the city. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is one of many. 

Thanks to for this fantastic little post. I lived for a number of years in Cheyenne and can attest to the fact that something about this place is indeed haunting.

“The bell tower of the church is reportedly haunted by a stonemason who fell to his death while constructing it. The legend claims that two Swedish immigrants who were skilled stoneworkers were hired to construct a bell tower on the church, and one day, when the tower was about halfway completed, both men simply failed to come back to work. The unfinished tower was capped off with a roof and used as a study for a time, however, the pastor who used it reportedly complained of banging noises coming from the walls and it went unused for a time. Years later construction on the bell tower resumed. Those workers were apparently bothered by strange noises, banging sounds and whispered voices and many refused to work on the tower after having a chilling experience. Someone apparently came up with the idea of building the ghost its own room in an attempt to appease him and apparently, this allowed the workers to return to their task with some peace of mind. Years later, it is claimed that one of the original stonemasons returned to the church and told the pastor that his fellow worker had slipped and fallen to his death. Fearing that a police investigation would lead to his being deported, he had sealed the body up in an unfinished section of the wall and simply walked away.”

Blaze McRob


 I was read 

 ing the latest copy of UltraRunning magazine and came across an article which stated that to make yourself stronger you must embrace the suck, meaning that a runner should accept the pain and push through it. In one form or another this saying has been around for a long time. I figured that this applies to writing as well.

I got caught up too much in the election for president in 2016. There’s not much that I, one person, could do about it. Or was there? I can still write my stories and attack the inherent evil in power and politics. This goes for both sides of the fence. Sad but true: the system is flawed. It sucks at pretty much every level. Deep pockets, hands out, and stupidity abound everywhere.

How about Big Business? They really are the power behind everything. Writers can attack them too. Remember George Orwell? He certainly made some statements about the status quo and what can take place. Turns out he was pretty accurate. Things are moving along that way more every day.

Okay. You have physical pain and other limitations and find it hard to fight back when things roll in on you and attack every inch of your body and wrestle with your mind. What now? Is it time to roll up in a little ball and give up? No. This is the time to fight the hardest. You’re a writer, damn it! The pain and agony of tough decisions surround you now. That hammer is smashing at your skull, telling you that there is no way for you to go on. Knock the hammer away! Your mind is strong enough to weather the storm. Embrace the suck! Put it to work for you. While others can’t handle the stress, the apprehension, and all the other things making life tougher for you, you can do it. Mind over matter. Pen in hand. Fingers on the keyboard. That’s all it takes. Use the negativity to channel a path of strength from your brain to your finished works.

Focus on what’s important. Getting your hands on the latest techno gadget means crap. Pen and paper still work. You’re upset because great reviews aren’t flying around and landing on your books while some authors and publishers cheat and scam the system? Don’t worry about it. They’ll be found out. In the meantime, you will have played it by the rules. Your pride is still intact. People will discover you. It’s merely a matter of working harder to get your name out there.

Take all your real and perceived pain and write that book. This is your Holy Grail. Come back with the cup. Terri DelCampo, my wife, was almost killed in an automobile accident a number of years ago. She fought back against the pain and hardships. She not only used the rehab time to get her body back to functioning again, but she started writing with a fervor she never had before. She was not going to allow herself to sink into the depths of despair. No pity me for her. While she still has many physical limitations, she has no mental ones. She achieves because she wants to.

There are a number of people I know who feel we’re headed for nuclear war. They worry to the point of obsessing about it constantly. Crap! Back in the fifties, the United States was building bomb shelters right and left. We barely escaped atomic war when the Cuban crisis hit its zenith. Yet, we’re still here. Does that mean it won’t happen now? Of course not. Nothing is out of the question, but don’t waste your time fretting when you could park your butt in a chair and get a story out about it. I’m a pessimist and think humans will botch up everything, but I don’t say, “Boo, hoo, woe is me.” If it happens, it happens. Prepare yourself as best you can and hope for the best.

Don’t listen to people who say that things are worse now than they’ve ever been for humankind. That’s horse crap! The great flood was pretty extreme. WWII, WWI, Genghis Khan, Hitler, our Civil War, and much more were far worse. Let’s face it: over the years, there have been many evil people on the planet. We’re still here. Some of us don’t deserve to be here, but we are.

So, take the bad and use it. Write about it. Purge your mind and soul of it. Tell people about it. Warn them. Be a prophet for good.

You can do it. You merely have to embrace the suck!

Blaze McRob

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


I managed to get into the top ten in three categories at Critters Preditors & Editors Annual Readers Poll for 2019. A big thank you to all the fantastic people who voted for me. It makes me feel good!

Blaze McRob