Monday, February 19, 2018


Most authors like increasing the number of books they have for sale. Makes total sense, does it not? Sure it does, or does it? I have eleven of my short stories and my tales within anthologies in which the rights will revert back to me. Actually, all of them already do. However, the publisher is shutting down and I have a choice to make. Do I republish them or do I do something else?

I once believed that short stories were a way to get your longer books noticed. Could be, but for a 99 cent book, you're only getting 35 cents. So what will I do? I will at some point put these stories in collections and sell them that way. I have hundreds of them. My plan is to have collections in different word counts. I will charge $2.99 and $3.99 for a lot of them. Not bad for a 20,000 to 40,000 word collection. With a decent sized free sample on Amazon, readers can still get a sampling of my writing. Also, I'll get 70% of my sale on Amazon: that's $2.10 to $2.80 for these collections

As for the bigger collections, those in the 70,000 to 90,000 word range, I'll charge $6.99 to $9.99 for them, the same as I do my novels. That will give me royalties of $4.90 to $7.00.

So, the subtraction of eleven of my works will add to more over the long run. I'll polish them up a bit and make them better. My readers will receive value. That's what I like. I hope they will enjoy what they read.

I have many stories in anthologies with other Presses than Blazing Owl Press. They will remain where they are. They have good homes there.

Quality is always better than quantity, I believe. I have many new novels coming out as well as collections, and I want my readers to enjoy all of them.

Happy reading.

Blaze McRob

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