This week's newsletter will cover the benefits of reading. I write a lot, but I also read a lot. I always have. As a writer, I find it especially helpful. Reading relaxes me and puts me in a proper frame of mind to pound out my stories on the keys of my computer. However, I never try to steal the styles of the authors whose books I am reading. No two authors write the same. Write your story. You'll be glad you did, and so will your readers.
I write in many different genres and genre blends. The books I read also follow that pattern. Lately, I've been reading a lot of detective mysteries, both old and new. Next year, I'll be writing another crime thriller and love getting inspired by the authors I've been reading, as well as others I'm sure to find along the way.
My local library has a used book sale going on right now, and I've been finding some real gems. I'll be sharing them with you in my newsletters. Another great thing about used book sales is the fact that, once you're done reading them, you can recycle them by sharing them with your friends, hospices, VAs, and more. It's the right thing to do.
Of course, I do keep a number of reference books next to my right arm in my reading nook. Books like these are always a must save. Plus, I have many authors' signed books that I definitely won't give up.
Don't Cheat Your Readers: A Blast From The Past
I was going through an author's Amazon author page to check out some of his books. A friend of mine had suggested he wrote well. As I always do, I went to the free sample that Amazon has. The novel I was looking at was decent. However, when I clicked on to the short stories, they were a whole different ballgame. They were awful. You might think the short tales were written earlier in the author's career and were not as polished as the newer writing. The shorts were actually written after the novel. It was obvious to me that they were not professionally edited. Even the book descriptions were not error-free. Wow!
So, what was going on with this author? Besides the fact he took no pains to publish a decent short story, it told me he was totally unprofessional. The novel had an editor. It wasn't completely error free, but it was interesting and held my attention. I wound up not purchasing any books by this guy. My feeling was that the editor for the novel got stuck doing a lot of re-writes instead of merely doing edits. I'm sorry. I cannot accept buying such worthless tripe.
It's obvious that I'm not easily attracted to just any book or author. I can overlook some mechanical errors, but not a ton of them.
Another thing that irritates me is reading terribly written website or Facebook posts. If an author doesn't care enough to use capital letters on Facebook, it shows me they are lazy. If posts have misspellings, comma splices, and more, I see red flags. Show professionalism, people. If you write like a third grader don't expect many people to latch onto your latest and greatest story. Once again, you're showing you just don't give a damn.
I know this last election cycle totally sucked. It was certainly okay for authors to write their views. Hell, I wrote some. But, check out your sources. Even reputable newspapers and magazines get a few things wrong. Never accept a friend's post as being the truth unless you check it out. And if you did goof, acknowledge the fact. Shit happens. Some authors are afraid to alienate prospective readers. Don't be. They'll know you're honest when they read your tales. Also, by all means, use real life horror in your stories. By getting the evil out of your soul and sharing it with the world, there will be more room for the good things in there. One trap I suggest you stay away from is being suckered into other people's rants. I might read some, shake my head, and even laugh some at the stupidity, but I don't comment on other people's Facebook posts anymore. I don't have the time. I'll post some of my views on my author page and regular page, but their page belongs to them.
Always stay true to yourself when you write. Write your story, at your pace. Just because Stephen King writes long novels doesn't mean you should. Some readers aren't crazy about a ton of back-story at the beginning of a book. Me? I have to be hooked within the first page or so, by the end of the first chapter at the least. My wife does not agree with me. But that's the beauty of writing: different readers like different things. Write for yourself. You'll attract fans.
My last item contains a pet peeve that really causes my typing fingers to wish they could wring some necks. If I buy an author's book and review it, I don't want that author to immediately tell me they have another book out and would I review that one too. The skies turn dark, lightning flashes, and my trigger finger wishes it was ready to go into action. My answer is a resounding, "Fuck no!" Yes, I know writers like reviews, but don't grovel at my feet. On the other hand, there are some authors I like so much that I tell them to let me know when they have a new book out. I buy them and gladly leave a review.
I hope some folks get some value out of this post. Thanks for reading.
Blaze McRob
This week's Woman In Horror is Nicole Storey. Go to
and read my post about this fascinating lady.
Terri DelCampo's book review for Witch Hunt: History Of A Persecution, written by Nigel Cawthorne, is below. This is a non-fiction book that will put some horror in your soul. Evil done under the pretense of religion is still evil. In fact, some of the worst horror known to man has been perpetrated because of so-called righteous people trying to spread their beliefs.
Blaze McRob
Book description:
When bigotry and power-mania take control, disaster always follows for ordinary people – even when the power is wielded by the Church. Witchcraft, of course, was seen as devil-worship. Those accused – over 100,000 people, mainly women, between 1450 and 1750 – were subjected to the most bestial tortures and usually executed. Witch Hunt examines the real facts of this persecution and the religious hysteria that inspired it, tracing it back to its source. It tracks its wildfire-spread across Europe and the US until scientific reason began to challenge old beliefs and it began its long-awaited decline.
5.0 out of 5 stars Not for the squeamish, but should be read by everyone.,
By Terri DelCampo
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Witch Hunt: The History of a Persecution (Kindle Edition)
It's been a priceless researching tool for me as a horror writer. But more than that, the story of how viciously people were persecuted during the witch hunts, described in detail made me realize how glad I am to have been born in the century I was. I recommend this book highly.
I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. More to come soon.
Blaze McRob
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