Monday, February 24, 2025

HO-PO: BY TERRI DELCAMPO dchild=1&keywords=terri+delcampo&qid=1615176443&s=books&sr=1-1

Terri DelCampo has compiled quite a collection of horror poetry to sate your poetic horror appetites. Broken Old Broad Busts A Beat: HO - PO (Horror Poems), produces in spades. Even the cover art tells a story. I like to think of it as a reflective skeleton. Is that possible? Why not? Terri's poems sure make one think. Rather than go on and on about each and every poem and steal from the ambiance that Terri has created, I will merely state that my favorite poem in this collection is Songs From The Hanging Tree. Read it and you'll see why.


Book description:


A handful of cobwebby rhymes and verse

Your yearning for ookiness these will nurse.

Not to be read by light of day

But in a dark nook, tucked away

Read each one and when you're through

Terri has novels and stories for you.


Terri DelCampo is the founding editor and writer of Owl's Eye View Magazine, founding partner/writer/editor at Blazing Owl Press, author of 35+ novels, short story collections, children's collections, poetry collections, and multiple individual short stories available right here on Amazon. She pens Broken Old Broad Blogs, is a contributing writer for multiple horror anthologies, freelances poetry as well as non-fiction articles and essays. Terri is an ongoing competitor and winner of NaNoWriMo and Critters/Preditors & Editors Awards.

Terri is married to horror writer Blaze McRob and in 2015 they founded Blazing Owl Press where she is a very hands-on partner. Her duties at BOP include editing, producing book covers, and of course writing.

If you look up write-a-holic in the dictionary, Terri's picture is there.


HO - PO. Buy. Read. Enjoy. It's that simple.

Blaze McRob

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