I posted this on my website a while back. It's still good advice I believe. In this post, I added what Terri DelCampo has to say about the subject. I hope you pick up a few pointers.
Do you want to be an author? Just write. Easy peasy. You don't have the time? Horseshit. We all have time. I worked at many jobs at the same time, not having a day off for nine years. I still wrote. I wanted to, so I did it. In twenty-something years, I wrote and had some seventy-five ghostwritten novels published.
There are many moments you can use as writing time. Get up early and write. Do you work at a desk job? Write at lunch while you're eating. Carry a little notebook or tape recorder and take notes. Put the notes together and you'll have a story. Write at the end of the day when the kids are asleep. I think you can see a pattern here.
Why am I writing this now? Simple. Some folks have been bombarding me about how they want to be a writer but can't find the time. Writing takes no time. If you want to get published and sell some books, that's a different matter. This quickie post is not about that. More to come about that later, as with other articles I have written about it in the past.
Prioritize. If you don't want to be a writer, then don't write. If you do: write.
If you're still reading my discourse, and you want to be a writer, you're in luck. I'm finished. Time for you to write. I want to see your books bandied about so I can tell the world about them.
Happy writing.
Blaze McRob
I love this scene from Finding Forrester. Excellent movie for aspiring writers, or even writers who need a motivation nudge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLBEFvMkQCo This scene epitomizes how I feel about writing. If you're a writer, you write. Simple as that. I never go anywhere without paper and pen. Period. Don't even need a computer or typewriter. Pen and paper. Simple. In the house, in the car, on the beach, anywhere. From the time I was eleven. No matter what was going on in my life, I wrote. Because I am and always have been a writer.
Reasons that people give you for not writing are bullshit. I got up at 4:30 in the morning when my kids were very little and wrote 6 screenplays that way. Later when I worked for my husband's plumbing business and still had kids to raise, I stayed up until midnight and one in the morning. Wrote my first two novels that way. Then I worked full-time after my separation and divorce and wrote my third novel by not flopping on the sofa and watching TV when I got home from work.
After my car accident and being rendered disabled, I began self-publishing my magazine Owl's Eye View online, and last year I self-published my seven novels, three novellas, multiple short story collections, and Best Of collections from the magazine columns on Kindle (some 30 books). There's time. Carpe Diem, people. Or Carpe Noctem. Just don't carpe bullshit excuses. Just write!
Terri DelCampo