Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Today's Woman In Horror is Carson Buckingham, an author whose writing I really love. Enjoy this great interview we did a couple years back!

Go to https://blazingowlpress.blogspot.com/2021/02/carson-buckingham-woman-in-horror.html and read this great interview. You'll be glad you did.

Blaze McRob


Monday, February 10, 2025



Wolf Whispers, by Blaze McRob, is now available for sale on Amazon. This novel is a paranormal thriller with plenty of action, a healthy dose of martial law, modern-day civil war scenarios, love, and greed. Do you enjoy reading military fiction? If so, I believe you'll enjoy reading Wolf Whispers. We provide a generous free sample on Amazon.


This book is dedicated to those who love freedom.


Thank you for reading.

Blaze McRob

Monday, February 3, 2025




The Ides of March is known worldwide for disasters occurring on it – the murder of Julius Caesar, a raid on South England in 1360, a cyclone in Samoa in 1889, Czar Nicholas abdicating his throne in 1917, German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1939, Great Plains blizzard in 1941, cancellation of the Ed Sullivan Show in 1971, reporting of the disappearing ozone layer in 1988, world health alert about the disease SARS in 2003.

Of course, Owl's Nest being Owl's Nest, it has its own take on Ides of March.

Read Ides Of March, by Terri DelCampo, for a truly different addition to Ides of March happenings. You'll be glad you did.

Blaze McRob


Terri DelCampo is the founding editor and writer of Owl's Eye View Magazine, founding partner/writer/editor at Blazing Owl Press, author of 35+ novels, short story collections, children's collections, poetry collections, and multiple individual short stories available right here on Amazon. She pens Broken Old Broad Blogs, is a contributing writer for multiple horror anthologies, freelances poetry as well as non-fiction articles and essays. Terri is an ongoing competitor and winner of NaNoWriMo and Critters/Preditors & Editors Awards.

Terri is married to horror writer Blaze McRob and in 2015 they founded Blazing Owl Press where she is a very hands-on partner. Her duties at BOP include editing, producing book covers, and of course writing.