Friday, January 22, 2021


Destiny Changed, a seventeen chapter novella by Blaze McRob is completely finished and available to be read in its entirety on my Patreon page. I have included a teaser below. 


Springtime. Fresh air carries the aroma of recently shoveled dirt, moistened by the recent rains, throughout the graveyard. Shovels, left behind in a hurry when the downpour started, lie on the ground next to the grave of the newest inhabitant.

Normality? Yes, but a sinister presence surveys the scene, not the least bit happy. Chunks of wet soil cling to his hair-covered, naked body. His nails are long and unkempt, and yet, what difference does it make? They are more effective for him to use when digging than any shovel fashioned by the hands of man. He lives beneath the surface, under the graves, in small cave-like areas formed from his own efforts, surrounded by the clothing removed from the local residents.

They won't say anything. Ha, ha! Dead people can't snitch on him.

The taste of rotting flesh rolls around on his tongue, reminding him of his hunger, his insatiable desire to feed. Heavy rain comes down, slapping a tune on the gravestones better than any drumstick. He delights in the awareness of the cleansing of his hair and skin.

Momentary pleasure; he is still pissed . . . pissed that God remanded him and his kind to suffer the indignities of their existence. Undead, yes. Immortal, yes. However, these things come at the high price of humiliation. Forced to feed on the dead like a common vulture is not to his liking.

Yet, this is the way it's always been. How can it change now? He is not stronger than God; he is merely a creature formed by His hand, to do His bidding.

The new carcass beckons to him, speaking to him, insisting that he feed. His hunger forces him to go and dig up the coffin. He tears the lid open and gazes at the body of a young woman struck down in her prime. She cannot possibly be any more than in her early twenties. Her clothing and hair style tell him this. Maybe he doesn't live amongst the rabble known as humans, but he has devoured enough of them to know the latest fads and fashions, and his highly enhanced sense of smell is able to decipher the age of a person by unfolding different layers of skin and reading them much like a botanist counts the rings of a tree.

This one smells peculiar to him; no odor of decay, of embalming fluids. Recent death. A mortician trying to save a little money. Shit, who knows? As long as she was remanded to the soil in a timely manner, all would be well.

But no; this is more, much more. Fool that he is, his hunger plays games with his mind. His desire to feed overcomes his usual stealth. Vigilance thrown out the window!

She is alive! In some sort of comatose state, but the girl is very much alive.

Now what?! He can't devour her. It is not allowed. Does he close the casket back up and re-bury her?


The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Copyright 2020 by Blaze McRob. All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author directly. Thank you for your support of the author's rights.


I hope you enjoyed this teaser of my novella. 

Destiny Changed, and much more, can be found on my Patreon page. You'll find a welcome home there.

Blaze McRob 

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